create your own Friday

Today is Friday friends – hooray!!! Isn’t there just something special about Fridays?

Most of my life I’ve looked forward to Friday evenings for a chance to relax, or an excuse to throw my work to the side for a bit as I (hopefully) laugh a whole lot more with friends and family. We’ve even created a favorite Friday tradition to stay home for pizza, popcorn, and a movie (am I the only one who stands by the fact that pizza just tastes better Fridays???)

While the world typically portrays Fridays as the ‘day indicative of a coming break’, or the ‘completion of a productive and busy week’s worth of work‘, the truth is, that isn’t everyone’s reality!

In fact, my own personal view of Fridays changed the day I married a firefighter, who also happened to be an entrepreneur….

I quickly came to realize that when you’re running your own company, working crazy shifts as a first responder, and regularly dreaming of other new business ventures, there’s really no such thing as “the weekend.”

To be honest, I wasn’t really okay with my new reality at first. I fought so very hard those first few years to keep things my known version of “normal.” I filled up any and every Friday or Saturday night that my husband was off shift until any time that we did have left over together as a family during the week was overflowing with tension. Something had to change….and that something, was my perspective.

These days, our down time is often unconventional – my husband and I may grab lunch together on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon (it turns out that pizza tastes good then too, who knew!) or the family may sleep in late on a pre-scheduled school delay (Monday) morning.

What I learned to do was invest a healthy “fight” into creating OUR normal. Nobody said that everyone’s version of normal had to be the same. Somehow, we’ve just believed that.

“What I learned to do was invest a healthy “fight” into creating OUR normal. Nobody said that everyone’s version of normal had to be the same. Somehow, we’ve just believed that.”

What I challenge myself to do, and what I would like to encourage you to do as well, is to create and embrace your own normal in every new season of life. Give yourself permission to be unconventional!

You see my friends, that “Friday feeling” can INDEED carry over into Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday…..or ANY day that ends in “Y”! After all, we’ve already established the facts that pizza tastes good ALL days of the week!



PS – Some of our favorite people to eat pizza (or any meal) with are pictured in our feature image and they are doing AMAZING things in and for the world. Go check out their store here-

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