when timing has nothing to do with the clock

Have you ever had one of those moments? You know, the moments where you’re talking or thinking about something random and then suddenly out of nowhere that same exact thing you were just referring to actually HAPPENS! Some people call it fate, others call it chance, or coincidence. Personally, I call it – God. God has a way of doing things on time, right when we needed to hear it, or see it, or be reminded of it. He’s so good like that.

These God-moments are a little different than the moments caused by (what my hubby calls) our “reticular activating system.” Our reticular activating systems kick-in causing our sub-conscious awareness to become our conscious awareness. For example, when you have a particular car model and color that you’re looking to purchase, so everywhere you look you see that same car driving or parked on streets in your daily travels (as if they were never there before). How about when you hear new terminology or a new word and then you start seeing that same word appear in blogs, or newspaper articles or on the radio. Almost as if everyone else just learned that word too!

Those types of scenarios can be explained. I’m talking about the kind of spontaneous moments that can’t be mathematically, scientifically, or even rationally broken down with reason. The only explanation for them is the goodness of God. The caring and faithful heart of a Father that takes good care of His kids, and longs for them to be reminded of their worth, their protection, and their identity in Him.

Today, while reading on our porch in 87 degree sunny weather, I had one of these reminders from God. The pages I was flipping through and soaking in were all focused on the theme of being in the “present.” Not trying or striving for what our busy schedules had planned next, or what chores or projects needed to be done. All things I am guilty of focusing my attention on rather than the good that is happening in front of me right now in the present. As I finished up a chapter and thanked God in a silent and quick prayer for the reminder of being present, I turned the page and read the title of the next section in the book which read – “Walking on Water.” No sooner had I read the words of that title before my beautiful sunny day turned grey and out of nowhere it started down-pouring! The word “Water” on the page was now being slightly watered by the splashing rain on and around the porch. Why? God. That’s how quickly He answered my prayer to enjoy the present….

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The best part of the story? Well, I quickly ran inside the kitchen to tell my husband of God’s faithfulness and grabbed my laptop to start writing these words – in hopes that others would be encouraged by this story while it was fresh in my heart. Right now, as I am typing this (back in my cozy spot on the porch with my feet propped up on a garden pillow), the sun is FULLY shining again, the birds building nests in our backyard trees are singing and chirping away, and the heat of our 87 degree sunny day is back in full swing again.

Isn’t that just like God? Grabbing our attention when we needed it most, reminding us that timing doesn’t require a color-coded calendar, or an antique clock, or the Apple watch on our wrists….although all of those things in the right balance are still good things. But rather, timing is fully about yielding and trusting. Believing that the things we’ve been promised will indeed unfold in His perfect timing, and not when we plan or expect them to.

“Isn’t that just like God? Grabbing our attention when we needed it most, reminding us that timing doesn’t require a color-coded calendar, or an antique clock, or the Apple watch on our wrists….”

Let us all be encouraged today to live in the moment, to let go of human expectation and explanation, and to lay back with our feet propped up in the rain showers of life. God’s reminders are real, just as surely as water that falls from the clouds in the sky. He longs to splash your life with the water of His promises, never leaving or forsaking you.

Now, back to my book and soaking up the Sun!

Cheers. 15-512

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